What?:The Mission Call

So for those of you who don't know...the most exciting news that has happened to me thus far in my life: the mission call.
Who?: Yours Truly!
Where?: Portugal Lisbon Mission (For those who are not geographically inclined, that is south portugal, which includes the capital city of Lisbon and the Azores (islands))
When?: December 30th of this very year until they release me :)
Why?: Now this is an interesting question. You don't know how many people have asked me why I wanted to go on a mission. I don't believe it has a long or complex answer. I have wanted to go on a mission ever since I was 4 years old. I remember the day well (which is ironic seeing as I do not remember much from that year). I went to church like always--same building, same bench, same meetings. But, this particular Sunday, I specifically remember learning about missionaries. I was so enchanted with the idea that I remember telling my mom later that day that I wanted to be a missionary. My life has been altered since. Never has a day gone by that I did not think I was going to go on a mission. It has been my dream, my wish. I honestly think I would have been mad if it did not work out for me. That is probably not the right attitude to have, but nonetheless, it has worked out so we can all rest assured that the alternative did not have to surface :)
How?: Well, this is also an interesting question. How am I going to be able to do it? Since that day when I found out what missionaries were and I realized that I wanted to be one when I grew up, I have been telling people of my ambition. One of the interesting things that almost everyone tells me is: Missions are hard. Are you sure you want to do it?
The resounding answer is: YES! When has anything worthwhile not been hard? Call me an optimist, but I think I am going to have the time of my life. I have heard RMs say that anyone who says that their mission is the best two years of their life is lying to you. Why shouldn't it be the best thing that ever happened to me?


  1. I'm so excited for you Sabrina! I remember how you always said you wanted to go on a mission. I'm glad you are finally able to go. I'm sure you will have an amazing time!! Congrats!!


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