Teaching in Portuguese :)‏

Oi Familia e Amigos!

This week has been a pretty interesting week in the MTC. A lot of stuff has happened. First, I sang in church on Sunday with the rest of the sisters in our branch. And...tomorrow I will play the piano! It is kind of fun participating this much. I kind of like being in a branch because I feel like I am needed and the Branch Presidency absolutely loves all of the sisters and they know us all by names and our history, but the elders don't quite get the same treatment because there are just too many of them to remember. So...I pretty much love being a sister missionary. Also, this week we did another English fast, which means that we just go without English for a day and speak only in Portuguese. It was fun, although I need to be more disciplined and not slip into English as much. They are really hard and it reminded me of when we traveled and you can only speak in Spanish the entire day and you are wracking your brain trying to figure out what everyone is saying and it is kind of mentally exhausting. BUT, I am learning so much! I taught for the first time this week in Portuguese--the restoration lesson and I had the time of my life! I love teaching in Portuguese so much more than in English. While I wish I could speak more in Portuguese and express what I want to say, I know that I am more humble and seek for the spirit more. I also teach more simply and the gospel is laid out in its fullness.

Also, this week a lot of missionaries have been getting their visas. One elder from my district got his visa yesterday and left this morning for Brazil. One of my companions still needs her visa and I think she really wants to leave, but is having a good attitude whenever other elders run up to us and shout that they have their visas and are leaving for Brazil. It is crazy how life changes on you that quickly.

Anyway, to poppy--I have been getting your letters. Sorry I didn't say anything last week--email time was kind of crazy. But, I really enjoyed that quote on obedience and I shared it with my district, so we are all trying to have an attitude of obedience.

Also, send me pictures!! I would love to see everything that is going on. Also, I didn't bring any pictures of the fam, so if you want to send any of those, that would be cool too.

Um, that pretty much wraps up the week. I am trying my best--still living the sweet life of the MTC. I love you all so much and think about you often (in Portuguese), but I think of you nonetheless. Good luck with everything. Until next week,

Love to the moon and back,

Irma Perez :)


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