Santo Cristo Festival
Surprise! I actually was able to write this week! Sorry for telling you that I wouldn´t and then I ended up writing...But, we found an internet cafe that was open today. Today is a holiday in the Açores--probably the biggest weekend of the year. It is the Santo Cristo Festival and they have parties all weekend long (Festa do Espirito Santo). It has been pretty interesting seeing the Catholic influence on this island, but, I have definitely seen how Heavenly Father has prepared many souls to receive the gospel--even on this island :)
Basically, it was so wonderful to talk to you yesterday! I absolutely loved it. I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I hope mother´s day was great, mom! I hope you know how much you have done for our family and are still doing for us! I love you tons.
Congratulations to Melinda for getting your masters! That is amazing! I want to do that when I grow up. (Yes, I am still growing up...I´m getting there).
There is not much else news other than what I told all of you. The Açores are still great. I love the branch here and the members. We are working with all of those references that the members have given us. It is interesting because some of the people they wrote down are dead and others live on the continent, but some live in our area, so we are going to be working with them to get addresses and plan how we are going to share the gospel with them. I am seeing that it is so much easier to work with members, so let this be a lesson to everybody: Give references to the missionaries! It makes their life so much easier! And not just their work so much easier, but you get the opportunity to share what you have with others. The missionaries are just there to help the members do the work. That is the vision I am starting to see. So, this is my challenge to everyone: give one reference to the missionaries.
So, we have been teaching the members a lot about temple work (a lot of them have never been to the temple) and starting to set goals with them to work towards going to the temple. That would be so great for them. I am excited to see this work progressing not only for non members but members too. The church is young out here and I love being a part of it because we get to focus on the basics--what is really important.
Anyway, that is about it. The work is still moving forward and I love you all so much. Thank you infinitely for your prayers. I always feel the strength even though we are apart.
Ate proxima semana! (Until next week)
Love to the moon and back,
Irma Perez
P.S. Oh, I forgot to write: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Adam! I didn´t write to you last week and I forgot to tell you on the phone, but I wanted to make sure I wrote it to you. I hope it was great and that you ate some cake for me! I love you tons! May all your wishes come true this year--love, your Irma Perez :)
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