...and be led forth with peace


My dear wonderful family,

Sorry for not writing last week. Just so you know in the future, if I don't get to write for a week, I´m sorry. It happens. But, you guys are all strong and don't need to hear from me every week, right? But, last week, we went with all of the elders to a place called Furnas--one of the most beautiful places on the island. We got back right when p-day ended and didn't get to email. Sorry. But, I have great pictures to show for it.

Anyway, here is the amazing story for the past two weeks: I don't know if I ever mentioned this boy that we found, so I will start from the beginning of the story. Two weeks ago, on Sunday night Irma Morrison and I were out looking and knocking doors. We weren't having much luck and I just said, Let´s pray Irma and decide where we should go. We prayed and I felt we should go to a particular road and knock there. We got to the road and there weren't really houses on the road--just businesses and shops. We kept walking up the road looking for houses to knock. We passed a barber shop and there was one house. So, we knocked it and a boy poked his head out the window and said, Wait there, I'll come down to talk to you. He came down with his older brother. We taught them in the door and gave them a book of Mormon. The younger boy (Renato) said he had already been to church and seen a baptism. We invited them both to another baptism that was going to happen that Tuesday. They said they wanted to go. We went back on Tuesday and the older brother couldn't go, but Renato went. He even had on a white shirt and slicked his hair back! We went to the baptism of the branch president's daughter. People there recognized that he came to church before and it was great. Afterwards, Irma Morrison and I had another appointment, so we told Renato he could stay and hang out with the members, that we could take him home, or that he could come with us. He said he wanted to come teach with us. So, we went to Tiago´s house (a Brazilian investigator we have) with Renato. That night we invited Renato to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. He said he would.

The next day we went over to his house and he was really excited to see us because he said he read Moroni 10 like we asked him to and he prayed like the scripture said. He said he knelt down and prayed out loud. I asked him, “AND?!?!...” He said, “I felt really strong. I felt really good.” I told him it was the Spirit telling him this was all true. So, I just looked into his eyes and said, “Will you be baptized this Saturday?” He looked at me and said, “Yeah.” So, Renato accepted to be baptized and he was baptized that Saturday only after finding him on Sunday. It reminded me of stories in the Book of Mormon where people just accept the gospel right away without hesitation. It was a crazy ride with Renato (he is only 14 years old...yeah, definitely reminded me of Joseph Smith). But, it was one of the best weeks of my life. He is also excited to receive the priesthood. We are also teaching his mom right now. She is really sweet, but she needs to come to church. Renato is a funny boy. He used to have an earring, but since we told him not to wear it, he hasn't. He has even been trying to tell his friends about the gospel and what the Word of Wisdom is and everything like that. So, basically it is the story of an elect. God definitely helps us find the elect—people who are ready to use their agency the right way and get baptized right away. So, I hope that Renato grows strong in the gospel and serves a mission one day. He already says he wants to. Oh yeah, and we have one more person to come teaching with us--it's awesome!

Zone conference was great. There was a huge focus on finding chefes [heads] of the family--men to baptize. So, we have been trying to find more men to baptize and focus on finding men to support the church here (since the church is still very young) and to receive the priesthood. Speaking of men, we have found quite a few promising investigators...

Duarte—we found him on a rainy night when he stopped under the same cover as us. We started talking to him and he said he was interested. He already knew three members of the church. We started teaching him. He accepted to be baptized this week.

Manuel—we found him last week on the street. He is from Cape Verde and has only been here for a week. (I love finding people like this—they are not stuck in their ways yet :).) We gave him a Book of Mormon and have been teaching him for only five days, but he has already read through Jacob! Yeah, he got through 2 Nephi! He came to church yesterday and liked it. But, he has some doubts about it all. We'll keep working with him, but hopefully he will be baptized soon...

Pedro and Carla—A cute couple who have been married for 2 months. Carla is deaf. They have known each other for a really long time and are best friends. Carla hasn't always been deaf, so she still speaks, just not very clearly. Yeah, I am pretty sure that God is always challenging my Portuguese skills--everyday I just laugh at the people we find and the new language barriers that come up. But they are great and we're excited to keep working with them.

Anyway, lots of exciting things are happening here. I want to stay here for one more transfer with Irma Morrison, but I don't know what will happen. Transfers are next week, so we will see...I want to come back one day to this wonderful island. It is great. Lots of wonderful memories here.

That is awesome that you all got to go to North Carolina and see the Skidmores. They are such an incredible family. So how far away do you guys live from Greg?

No, I haven't heard the story about the marathon..do tell! Nor did Alex tell me that David Parkinson and Desta Shelley are getting married! Wow! That is big news. Congrats to them. I am way happy for them.

Yes, I did get the package--THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was the best--I shared some goodies with the elders and the cookies were perfect for the baptism. Everyone on the island has been baptizing lately. We had two baptisms last week, two this past week, and three planned for this coming week. It's awesome. Say hi to everyone for me. I think of you guys lots. Thank you for all of your prayers. This is all true--it really is. I am so happy to be with the best comp in the best area on the best island teaching God's best children. I'm living the dream. Thanks for all of the support and prayers. I love you all to the moon and back,

Irma Perez


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