Irma Morrison

A note of explanation: I found out Saturday that the father of Sabrina's last mission companion, Irma Morrison (the one she was companions with in the MTC as well) died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. Irma Morrison is still in the Azores and her mother said she would continue to serve her mission so she could teach others about the Plan of Salvation. I let Sabrina know in my letter to her this week. Denise

Well, to say the least that I am very shocked to hear the news of Irmã Morrison and her father passing away. I had no idea. What's even worse is that her birthday was on the 8th of October. She must have found out that day. I feel terribly for her. Even though I do not know her family personally, I feel like I do because of how she talked of them. I am praying for her. She is such an amazing girl. I have learned so much from her and she is the best companion that I could have ever asked for. But I am learning more from her now while I am away from her. She is a really strong, faithful girl. I express my deepest sympathies to her family who I cannot even imagine what they must be feeling.

Above hearing this news, it reminds me of a contact that we made this past week:
We contacted a young man named Antonio who is atheist. He asked some really thought-provoking questions, such as how do you know there is a God? How can you have certainty there is life after death? He said he was created in a catholic family but stopped believing because his mother died when he was only 4 years old and he felt very lost in such an unjust world. He says that he still feels her influence in his life (even though he does not believe in a life after death). But the question that struck me that he asked was this: "Ok, so tell me this: What does a person who believes in God have that a person who doesn't believe in God doesn't have?" I was silent for a couple of moments. Then I turned to him and I simply said, "Everything". He was taken aback at my response and didn't quite understand my meaning. I tried explaining but we didn't get very far. By that time he was agitated at our presence and wanted us to leave. So we did. But, I have thought about what I said ever since. It's true, you know. I can literally say that EVERYTHING in my life that is good has come from belief in God and a testimony in the restored gospel. We do have everything. And while I know I cannot comprehend what Irmã Morrison and her family must be feeling and going through, I know that they have everything because they believe in a loving Heavenly Father and his plan for their wonderful family. His promises hold true. So even when you feel like you have nothing--in the gospel you really have everything.

Have a great week everyone. Know that I am praying for you. Thank you for the support. I love you all,

Irmã Pérez


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