Valentine's Day in Portugal

My dear family,

Valentine's day here is a little different than in America. Basically it is just a day for those who have boyfriends/girlfriends. So, therefore people stay more depressed when they don't have anyone. But, Irmã de Almeida said that she wants to spend one Valentine's day in America to see what it is like. The candies that you sent were very cute and she thought they were so adorable with all of the phrases. I told her that she hadn't even seen anything. I think that Irmã de Almeida would like to just visit the stores in America sometime and be awed by all of the festive, and sometimes ridiculous things there are there. But, she adores the candies and has had fun picking out candies to give to our investigators (who also love them because of the phrases and the M&Ms that are dyed colors of pink and red and white.) I told her that there are stores in America where you can get M&Ms any color that you want--especially for weddings and parties and such. Now that I think about it, we have so many things in America that other countries would never even think of is funny to think about sometimes, but when explaining some things it is kind of ridiculous. But, we are having a great day :) I told Irmã that in America Valentine's day can be more of a day of love--to express the love you have for everyone in your life and not just your significant other. So, I just wanted to say, I LOVE YOU ALL!

This week was interesting...We have been trying to find new investigators because the ones that we have are being lazy, so I am trying to be more conscious of the Spirit and really understand if someone is elect or if they just like us. I never thought it would be so hard to figure out. But we are living and learning... Also we are realizing that this transfer will end sometime. I know I only have 3 more transfers after this one but I feel like I have gotten so used to Irmã de Almeida that it will be hard to have a new comp...but we are trying to live up our time together.

Other than that, I am seeing lots of the fruits of our work...Our ward handed out 100 cards! I was impressed, since I was thinking that they wouldn't even come close to that! So, it has been fun seeing the kids get excited about talking about the church with their friends. I am pretty sure the Primary is beating everyone, but that just goes to show that children have no fear...Oh to be a child again!

Also, Ruben (the 15 year old boy that we baptized about 4 months ago) gave his first talk in Sacrament Meeting. It was about missionary work. Yeah, we were all pretty impressed. It was very cute. He had everything written out and was nervous because he hadn't had it all memorized, but we assured him that he could just read it. It was really special. Especially when he bore his testimony.

José (the man I baptized in October) is going to the temple next month on the stake temple trip. He is so excited to go inside the temple of Madrid! We are so excited for him!

Life is great. I am trying to choose joy, even when it is hard. And I am seeing all the difference. Thanks mom! You Rock!


Irmã Pérez


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