
Dear Family,

I don't have a lot of time, so I will have to make this short, but the big news is that transfers are in! And I got transferred...yeah, wasn't expecting that one. But, I am happy to be able to get to know another area before I leave. I am going back to the Lisbon zone to an area called Odivelas. Basically, it is lots of city again. The area is huge and church is held in a building. I hear the baptismal font is really ghetto, but we will see how it compares to Lapa...

I am excited to get to know another area where there will be lots of people in the road to contact and teach and love and baptize. I am also excited to get to serve with my companion: Irma Joslin. She is an Irma that came in three months behind me, so she has about six months left in the mission. She is super cute. She is American, half Japanese and gorgeous. She is also very happy, bubbly, and always has a good attitude.

I found out yesterday that I was getting transferred and President Torgan wanted all of us to be transferred today instead of tomorrow so that the work could move on. Totally fine, but we just had to wait for awhile for the elders to show up...and then they took everyone and their mom to their areas before me. I was one of the last and I was the first to be picked up :) but, all is well. I am safe, I am happy, and I have lots of work ahead of me :)

Irma Joslin doesn't know the area very well since she has only been here for six weeks and apparently her last comp didn't let her do much, but I am excited to get to know the area with her and give it my all for these last couple of transfers. It is so hard to believe that time is flying like this. I don't even want to believe it.

Thanks for letting me know all of the news. It sounds like everyone is happy and healthy and enjoying spring. I hope spring break went well for everyone. Easter here was just kind of a normal day. Actually, people don't really go to church on Easter, especially in our ward. There was almost no one there. But, between the three companionships and the three areas, we had over 20 investigators there. So, that was pretty cool.

My last area closed because there aren't enough Irmas in the mission to keep it open. Irma Lima stayed there with Irma McCrery and Irma Perkins in a tripila, so they will be taking care of the two areas. I will miss them a lot. I probably won't get to see them again. (Super weird to think about so I¨ll stop). But, I just have to remember that I really do like change and that there are so many adventures ahead of me :)

Thanks for all of your support and hope you all have a great week! I love you a ton! Keep being happy and healthy.


Irma Perez


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