Pray for Marcelo


Dear family,

This week was another week of adventures and miracles. We had a baptism on Saturday of Tenda. He is from Guinea Bissau and had a good baptism. The drama this week was that the person who was going to baptize him had a really busy day and ended up showing up that just made our already nervous ward mission leader practically explode. I feel like the members sometimes get way more nervous than the investigator, when really shouldn't it be the other way around?

I have been thinking of trying to explain to members about opposition--especially with baptisms. Those who have never served missions still don't understand that concept, but I guess it is not my place. And I am not exactly the perfect person to tell somebody else to calm down. Let's just say I have always been a little dramatic. :)

Tony and Tenda were confirmed on Sunday and given the priesthood right away.
We are also excited because we got a new bishopric yesterday and it should be awesome! I LOVE the new bishop. He was a counselor in the bishopric and he is amazing. He has been to all of our baptisms and loves it when we have so much success. :) He is very supportive so I feel like this next transfer is going to be a good one with lots of miracles.

But, transfers are today and tomorrow. I am really hoping I stay with Irma Joslin here in the city, but I have a feeling she will be transferred and I will have to accept a new companion. That will be sad because I want to see lots of miracles with her still. Plus I feel like these last two transfers have just FLOWN. Really, what just happened?

Anyway, as you have all reminded me, yes I only have six weeks left. I am excited to still be here--not ready to come home just quite yet. I am excited about this next week because we are feeling like Marcelo (the Brazilian who speaks three languages) is really going to be baptized. He has lots of questions and doubts, but I know that if we teach in the Lord's way, that he will readily accept baptism. Help me by praying! I need all of the help I can get. :) And pray that Marcelo will have a softened heart.

Anyway, that is all for now, have a great week. :)


Irma Perez


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