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Dear Alissa,

Dear Alissa, Can I just say that I am so LUCKY that I met you? You make me laugh so much! The thing that I love about you the most is you make me laugh at myself. I feel like we all need a few really good friends like that in life. I remember the first time I saw you. I was really nervous that day. It was a BIG day for me. Actually, it was a big day for both of us. It was the first day of our missions. I walked into the small classroom of the MTC, looking around at the carpeted walls and lack of window that would become our 2nd home over the net 9 weeks. I saw you and you started talking to me straight off...talking about our mutual friend that I didn't know we had, but you did. You thought you were so creepy talking to me right off like that, but I was secretly super grateful. I had no idea what to expect--who does? Turns out we were companions in the MTC. yay! And it turns out that we both have lots in common: love of volleyball, love of portuguese (most days :)...

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